breast reduction

美 [brest rɪˈdʌkʃn]英 [brest rɪˈdʌkʃn]
  • 网络缩胸;乳房缩小;乳房缩小术;巨乳缩小术;安全巨乳缩小术
breast reductionbreast reduction
  1. Meanwhile , the number of men seeking breast reduction surgery to correct so-called " man boobs " is expected to hit a record high .


  2. The head of plastic surgery at the clinic , Dr V Ramadevi , said some of her patients sought breast reduction to alleviate shoulder and back pain , while others sought to augment or shrink their breasts for a boost in confidence .


  3. As a breast reduction is not vital to your health , it is known as cosmetic surgery .


  4. But among the men the figure has grown , according to the same group , with 25640 seeking breast reduction in 2016 , an 11000 increase on 2010 figures .


  5. Methods Based on the principle of breast reduction , an operation plan was designed . The new locations of the nipple , and the areola and the area of the breast skin to be resected were marked .


  6. " In addition , they are just realizing that they can get something done about it . " Grover also notes that men have alternatives to gynaecomastia , the official name for male breast reduction .


  7. In women . this was followed by eyelid reduction , tummy tuck , nose re-shaping and breast reduction . Men favoured nose re-shaping , eyelid reduction and correction of prominent ears .


  8. The doctor should not , however , record that he 's doing a breast reduction to reduce the risk of breast cancer-in that case the insurance firm might expect the surgeon to perform a much bigger reduction , like a mastectomy-and that 's not what you were signing up for .


  9. However , we did see a long-term effect in terms of breast cancer reduction .


  10. After controlling for the level of DNA repair capacity , calcium supplements were no longer as protective , but the link between vitamin supplements and breast cancer reduction remained .


  11. Ultimately , breast augmentation , fat reduction , Botox treatments ...


  12. But augmentation is only one type of breast surgery , a category that also includes breast lift , breast reduction , and gynecomastia surgery ( reduction of abnormally large breasts in men ) .
